Understand the Practice of Covering the Belly Button for Energy Protection

Jade Picon covered her belly button during BBB 22. Photo: reproduction instagram
Jade Picon covered her belly button during BBB 22. Photo: reproduction instagram

You’ve probably heard about the practice of covering the belly button. And if you don’t do it, you likely know some adherent of the practice – including the influencer Jade Picon, participant of Big Brother, who went viral after appearing in a bikini with a bandage on the area. But what are the real benefits?

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The administrators of Jade‘s Twitter profile explain that she uses the technique to “not absorb negative energies“. The integrative psychoanalyst and hypnotherapist Fernanda Ribeiro contextualizes the practice: “Our food, as soon as we came to the planet, came through the belly button, and through it we were connected to our mothers [in the uterus].”

Fernanda also explains that the belly button is related to the solar plexus chakra, which refers to emotions. “Our [energetic] exchange with the environment is largely done through the belly button,” she says. Therefore, the expert’s recommendation is to protect the area in order to shield oneself from the “density” of places and people – that is, to block bad energies.

On Instagram, the influencer’s official profile brought up the subject again after Monday’s (01/31) “Game of Discord” – a dynamic known to cause fights in the BBB house. The social network administrators ensured that the “heavy atmosphere” did not apply to the participant thanks to the technique, attributing it to Jade’s “tranquility”.

Other Ways to Protect Yourself

Rue. Photo: Pixabay
Rue. Photo: Pixabay

Fernanda emphasizes that to ensure even more protection, the belly button can be covered with a piece of some herb, like rue. In addition, she suggests that carrying a black tourmaline in your pocket when visiting a “heavy” environment can also be a form of protection, but the stone should not be used for more than two consecutive days.

However, the best way to protect oneself is through thought: “Maintaining our high vibration, our positivity, paying attention to what we think and what we feel, is the best way to protect ourselves against bad things,” concludes the psychoanalyst.

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